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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 17. October 2014. 17:23

Members of the Committee on European Integration host students of the XIII School of Democratic Leadership

The importance of joint action of all society stakeholders in achieving European values emphasised 

Members of the Committee on European Integration today met students of the XIII School of Democratic Leadership, on which occasion they presented the work of the Committee, its role as a pivot of parliamentary dimension of the European process, discussing also the current challenges on Montenegro’s path to European Union membership.

Chairperson of the Committee Mr Slaven Radunović informed the present about activities of the Committee, emphasising the importance which that working body had in the negotiation phase, by previous consideration of 21 draft negotiation positions, out of which seven have been modified. According to him, the Committee on European Integration may be commended for the strong work dynamics both in the spirit of parliamentary consensus with regard to Montenegro’s integration to the EU and in the spirit of strong devotion to improvement of citizen’s living standard.

Member of the Committee Ms Nada Drobnjak said that democratic discussions on reforms implementation, with joint devotion to European future of Montenegro, resulted in necessary objectivity when it comes to consideration of issues important for negotiation process. She added that the Committee was supported by MEPs in achieving the goal, through regular meetings within Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee.

Member of the Committee Mr Dritan Abazović spoke on educational function of the Committee in the field of European integration, in relation to the need to provide a clear position of citizens on the accession process, based on facts, by bringing the process closer to them, and achieving the need to be different – so the Committee has Facebook and twitter account and organises meetings and public debates in different number of towns in Montenegro.

During the discussion, questions were raised about the certainty of accession to the EU, perspective of the EU itself, and the challenges that are imposed in the later stages of the negotiations. At the meeting, it was pointed out that the achievement of European standards is the main objective that Montenegro should strive for, regardless of the perspective of the EU itself. The further process requires the involvement of all society stakeholders, and willingness for  reforms that  would bring to Montenegro the desired progress in all areas.