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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 18. November 2014. 13:06

Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration Slaven Radunović participated in the Regional Parliamentary Debate on IPA Funds

Systematic approach is necessary to spending and control of the use of pre-accession funds, and strengthening communication among committees on European integration of the countries in the region  

Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration Slaven Radunović participated today in the parliamentary debate of chairpersons of committees on European Integration of the countries in the region, which was held in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia. The topic of discussion was the parliamentary control over the spending of the pre-accession funds, as well as the prospects and possibilities for using funds from IPA II for the period 2014-2020.

Chairperson Radunović informed participants about established mechanisms for control which are implemented by the Committee on European Integration in terms of spending IPA funds, jurisdiction of which derives from the Resolution on the method, quality and dynamic of the integration process of Montenegro into the EU. Bearing in mind that, in the region, Montenegro made largest progress regarding the accession process to the EU, chairperson talked about the experience of the Parliament and the Committee in the process of adopting negotiating positions, communication with the Government, but also strengthening the transparency of the process and cooperation with citizens and civil sector.

Chairperson of the Committee, among other things, introduced a procedure carried out in the framework of preparations for the next financial perspective 2014-2020, where it is envisaged close to 270.5 million for Montenegro. The importance of these funds for the overall reform process in the countries of the region and the seriousness of procedures established by our European partners require systematic and dedicated approach to the expenditure of these funds, where parliaments should have a strong role, said Radunović. 

Representatives of parliaments in the region spoke about the progress of their countries in the use of pre-accession funds, as well as parliamentary activities aimed at oversight of this process. Presentations were used as a framework for informing about the experiences of other states/parliaments, and for considering the possibilities for improving parliamentary work in the following seven year financial period.

In addition to the Chairperson of the Committee Slaven Radunović, the debate was spoken by representatives of parliaments of the Republic of Macedonia, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska and the Republic of Serbia, and representatives of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy. Also, the debate was attended by representatives of the diplomatic corps, international institutions and non-governmental sectors.

The event was organized by the Committee on European Affairs of Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, supported by the Westminster Foundation for Democracy and the Network of Parliamentary Committees for Economy, Finance and European integration of the Western Balkans.