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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 21. November 2014. 14:07

Committee on European Integration members meet with Mr Johannes Hahn

The importance of establishing the rule of law and stimulating economic development as mutually dependent and conditioned processes was pointed out

The meeting of the Chairperson and members of the Committee on European Integration with Mr Johannes Hahn, new European Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, was marked by constructive debate on EU priorities in the following five year period regarding enlargement, as well as obligations of Montenegro in the upcoming stages of negotiation.

In his address, Mr Hahn pointed out that his visit to Montenegro in the first month of his taking office indicated dedication of the Commission to the enlargement process and significance of the neighbourhood policy. During his conversation with the Committee members, Mr Hahn highlighted the importance of establishing the rule of law and at the same time stimulating economic development as mutually conditioned processes. In his comments on the statement of the President of the European Commission Mr Jean-Claude Juncker regarding enlargement in the following five years, Mr Hahn pointed out that his message certainly should not be understood as a standstill in negotiations, but on the contrary, as facticity of the current willingness not only of the Union, but also of the countries aspiring to fulfil the membership obligations in a quality and sustainable manner. With regard to economic investment, Mr Hahn believes that investments are needed not only in transportation, but also in the energy as well as information infrastructure. In relation to that, the EU is willing to continue to support Montenegro financially in order to facilitate the accession process, under conditions that the investments are followed by quality reforms, strengthening of competitiveness and better standard of living for the citizens.

Members of the Committee on European Integration welcomed the support that the EU was giving to Montenegro in order to implement reforms and pointed out the existence of political consensus and wide support of the citizens regarding Montenegro’s membership to the EU. They jointly assessed that the integration speed depended on the will and readiness of the aspiring countries themselves, and they pointed at the responsibility of all political subjects regarding implementation of reforms and ensuring measurable results. The MPs emphasised successful cooperation of the Parliament of Montenegro and EU Delegation, and concluded that the entire accession process was precisely based on joint work and team spirit, through prism of positive competition.

On behalf of the Committee of the European Integration, the meeting was attended by Chairperson Mr Slaven Radunović, and members: Ms Nada Drobnjak, Ms Azra Jasavić, Mr Predrag Sekulić, Mr Obrad Mišo Stanišić, Mr Genci Nimanbegu, Mr Predrag Bulatović and Mr Koča Pavlović.