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Skupština Crne Gore
Saturday, 07. March 2015. 19:24

Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration Mr Slaven Radunović participates as a lecturer at the training courses for journalists

The topic of the training was the role of the Committee in the negotiation process of Montenegro with the EU 

Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration Mr Slaven Radunović participated today as a lecturer at the training for editors and journalists of daily “Vijesti”, related to techniques and mechanisms for development and reporting about the European Union and the negotiation process of Montenegro with the EU.

The training courses are organized by the Center for Civic Education, in cooperation with daily “Vijesti”, within the implementation of the project “EU news – be informed!”, supported by the communication budget of the Delegation of the European Union in Montenegro.

During his presentation, Mr Radunović presented the activities of the Committee and its role in the European integration process, with particular emphasis on the review of the draft negotiating positions and the implementation of supervision of the negotiating team in this process, through consultative hearings and other control mechanisms. Also, the focus of the attention were activities aimed at popularizing the work of the Committee and the process of negotiations with the EU, as well as the plan of activities for the current year.

Journalists were interested in the reasons for marking documents from the accession process as "restricted", then in human, administrative and spatial capacities of the Committee, as well as the effects that the new control mechanisms have on improving the negotiation process.

Chairperson Radunović and training participants agreed on the necessity of joint work of the state administration and the media, aimed at fair presentation of the EU accession process and protection of the interests of citizens.

The project of training for journalists is envisaged by the Action Plan for 2015, for the implementation of the 2014-2018 Strategy on Informing the Public on the accession of Montenegro to the EU.