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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 13. March 2015. 16:33

Committee on European Integration holds its 34th meeting

Several documents considered from Montenegro’s EU accession process

At its meeting held today, members of the Committee on European Union integration considered and adopted a positive opinion on the Fourth Quarter Report on overall activities within Montenegro’s integration process to the European Union, for the period October-December 2014, as well as a positive opinion, with certain suggestions, on the Fourth Quarter Report on implementation of obligations stemming from Montenegro’s Accession Programme to the EU, for the period 2014-2018.

While presenting the said quarterly reports, Director General for European Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Ms Snežana Radović pointed out that these were important documents, and that she was pleased by the fact that they were being considered in the spirit of mutual cooperation and joint efforts of the Parliament and the Government, thus confirming the resolve of the state administration to make a step forward in the EU accession stage of Montenegro.

At the meeting, the Report on implementation of the 2014 Action Plan for implementation of the Communication Strategy on informing the public on Montenegro’s accession to the European Union, for the period 2014-2018 as well as 2015 Action Plan for implementation of the Strategy were also presented. During the presentations, it was pointed out that 90% activities envisaged in the Action Plan had been implemented, and that they reflected dedication to European integration by all actors in society, through implementation of educational programmes, promotional events and strengthening of cooperation with the media and NGO sector, all with the aim of achieving harmonisation of support to the European integration and knowledge in the said field.  

Additionally, the members positively voted on the Initiative for organising a consultative hearing at the joint meeting with the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget on the topic: “The efficiency of control and use of IPA funds and work of the Auditing body in respect of the EU funds”, and agreed on the deadline for timely submission of the Information to the Committee.