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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 20. March 2015. 17:16

Members of Committee on European Integration hold a meeting with members of Montenegrin and Belgian Parliamentary Friendship Group

The role of the Committee on European Integration in Montenegro’s negotiation process with the EU emphasised

Deputy Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration Ms Marija Maja Ćatović and member of the Committee Mr Koča Pavlović today met members of Montenegrin and Belgian Parliamentary Friendship Group Mr David Geerts, Ms Meryame Kitir and Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to Montenegro Mr Leo D’Aes.

The meeting was marked by a discussion on dynamics of European integration of Montenegro, with special accent to the role of the Committee on European Integration, as an umbrella body within parliamentary dimension of the process. Deputy Chairperson Ms Marija Maja Ćatović stressed the importance of control role of the Committee, which so far has considered 21 draft negotiation positions, out of which seven have been changed and become an integral part of the final text of the negotiation position. They emphasised that dynamics of Montenegro’s negotiation was contributed by the absolute consensus of parliamentary parties with regard to achieving European standards and finalising of reforms which undoubtedly lead to membership to the EU. Additionally, it was emphasised that there was a great support of Montenegrin citizens to EU membership and the necessity of implementing reforms in security sector was underlined.

Head of Belgian delegation Mr David Geerts thanked on the overall presentation of the current issues within Montenegro’s integration process to the EU, emphasising the importance that the Parliament and Government has been providing to the process, and pointed out to the need for improving the implementation of adopted laws, particularly those relating to the rule of law and judiciary.

Agreeing that the Committee on European Integration played an important role in the control of all aspects of accession to the EU, the interlocutors emphasised the importance of strong but just conditionality in the negotiation process.