Atthe meeting heldtoday, the Chairman of the CommitteeonEuropean Integration, MrSlavenRadunovićand the SecretaryGeneral of the Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA) Ms AntonellaValmorbida, talkedabout the activities ofthe organizationanddiscussed possibilitiesforcooperation.
Stressing the satisfaction for the given opportunitytoexchange viewswith the Chairman of the Committee, Ms Valmorbidasaid thatthe Association of Local Democracy Agencies is a networkorganizationof Local Democracy Agencies, which over the yearshas growninto oneof the most importantEuropean networksin strengthening of democracy, humanrightsand sustainable development inlocal level. Their very missionis, through the exchangeof best practices andcooperationwith European partnersandmembers,to promotecitizen participationandmanagement atthe local level, and the topics they deal with includeEuropean integration, human rights, sustainable economic development,volunteerismandactivismof citizens. She briefly informed the Chairman of the Committee ofcurrent projectsandprograms in which ALDA has participated, and pointed to theimportance of coordination betweenagencies andpromotionof their work.
ChairmanRadunović stressed thecooperationof the CommitteeonEuropean Integrationwith local self-governments, whichhas been realised byorganizing meetingswith the management of municipalitiesin Montenegro,inorder to promote thecomprehensivenessandinclusivenessof the processof European integration. He then pointed out thatideasandcapacities, thatwillensure soundutilization ofpre-accession funds, are of the paramount importance thedevelopment and implementation ofprojects.
The meeting was attended also by Mr Stanka Parać Damjanović, ALDA coordinator for Balkan and Mr Kerim Međedović from the Local Democracy Agency from Nikšić.