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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 09. December 2015. 11:58

Committee on European Integration organises a public debate on the topic “Montenegro and the EU: Negotiations in the field of fisheries”

Blue Room of the Parliament of Montenegro, 10 December at 15.00h

The Committee on European Integration will organise a public debate on the topic “Montenegro and the EU: Negotiations in the field of fisheries”, in the Blue Room of the Parliament of Montenegro, on Thursday 10 December starting at 15.00h.

Good practice of closer informing the citizens on negotiation chapters will be continued by organising this public debate, where the interested public and experts from the field of fisheries will have the opportunity to present their opinions and suggestions, prior to consideration of Draft of Negotiating Position for Chapter 13 - Fisheries at the upcoming Committee meeting.

The following will speak at the public debate: Ms Marija Maja Ćatović, Deputy Chairperson of the Committee, Ms Danijela Stolica, Director General of Directorate for Agriculture and Fisheries at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and negotiator for Chapter 13 - Fisheries, and Mr Aleksandar Jaksimović, Head of Laboratory for Ihtiology and Marine Fisheries at the Institute of Marine Biology and Head of Working Group for Chapter 13 - Fisheries.

All the interested parties are invited to participate in the public debate and be informed on the content of the said negotiation chapter, and to contribute with their suggestions to the process of Montenegro’s accession to the EU.

The application to participate in the public debate is compulsory. All the interested parties may apply via e-mail address euintegracije@skupstina.meor by phone 020 404 553, no later than Wednesday, 9 December 2015 u 12.00.