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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 10. December 2015. 17:18

Committee on European Integration holds a public debate on the topic of the Chapter 13 - Fisheries

Participants of the debate exchanged opinions on fishery policy of Montenegro and possibilities of further development of this sector in the context of Montenegro's negotiations with the EU.

Committee on European Integration today has organised a public debate titled: “Montenegro and EU: Negotiations in the Field of Fishery”.  The debate was organised within the activities implemented by the Committee, with the aim of informing citizens on the negotiation process of Montenegro for the EU membership.

The debate was moderated by Deputy Chairperson of the Committee Ms Marija Maja Ćatović, while the acquis, activates of relevant institution and current state in the field of fishers were presented by Ms Danijela Stolica, General Director of the Directorate for Agriculture and Fishery at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Montenegro and Negotiator for the Chaprter 13 - Fishery, and Mr Aleksandar Joksimović, Head of the Laboratory of Ichthyology and Marine Fisheries at the Institute of Marine Biology and Head of the Working Group for the Chapter 13 – Fisheries.

Representatives of the negotiation structure presented the previous progress of Montenegro in the field of fisheries, stressing that the European Commission would soon adopt a report on fulfilment of the opening benchmarks, which would create conditions for opening of this negotiation chapter in the first half of the next year.  The participants stressed that negotiations related to the Chapter 13 represented a challenge due to small capacities, primarily regarding the underdeveloped fishing fleet, but by Montenegro’s entrance to the EU, the means form EU structural funds - intended to improving this sector - would be available to the state. As one of the key regulations of the EU in this field, Mediterranean Regulation was mentioned, prescribing managing measures for the sustainable exploitation of fishery resources.

During the constructive discussion, participants of the debate presented challenges in the daily life of fishermen, expressing interest for reducing administrative barriers as well as plans for building fishery ports.  The participants agreed that joint efforts and cooperation of fishermen and relevant institutions were necessary for the overall improvement of conditions in this field, both regarding the increase of fishery funds and strengthening fishery fleet and the overall infrastructure.