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Tuesday, 24. February 2015. 15:19

Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms starts its 46th meeting

The Committee considered several amendments

At its 46th meeting, the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms of the Parliament of Montenegro considered the amendment submitted by MPs Mr Goran Tuponja and Mr Srđan Perić, and amendments (2) submitted by MPs Mr Slaven Radunović, Mr Strahinja Bulajić and Mr Emilo Labudović to the Law on Selection, Use and Public Display of National Symbols.

The Committee considered the amendment to the Law on Selection, Use and Public Display of National Symbols, submitted by MPs Mr Goran Tuponja and Mr Srđan Perić. Following the explanatory statement by MP Mr Goran Tuponja, representative of the proposer Mr Suad Numanović, Minister of Human and Minority Rights, proposed rephrasing of the amendments which was not accepted by MP Mr Goran Tuponja.

By a majority of votes (two “for”, three “against” and one “abstained”), the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms did not support the amendment submitted by MPs Mr Goran Tuponja and Mr Srđan Perić, and proposed to the Parliament not to adopt it.

Members of the Committee considered amendments (2) submitted by MPs Mr Slaven Radunović, Mr Strahinja Bulajić and Mr Emilo Labudović. The explanatory statement of the two amendments was provided by Mr Emilo Labudović. Representative of the proposer Mr Suad Numanović, Minister of Human and Minority Rights, did not agree with the proposed amendments (2).

By a majority of votes (two “for”, three “against” and one “abstained”), the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms did not support the amendment 1 submitted by MPs Mr Slaven Radunović, Mr Strahinja Bulajić and Mr Emilo Labudović, and proposed to the Parliament not to adopt it.

Following this vote, MP Mr Miljanić left the meeting, and there was lack of quorum, due to which the Committee did not vote on amendment 2.

Following that, the Committee meeting was adjourned, and it will be continued tomorrow, starting at 11:30.