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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 25. February 2015. 15:17

Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms ends its 46th meeting

At the continuation of its 46th meeting held today, the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms did not consider amendments (35) to the Proposal for the Law on Selection, Use and Public Display of National Symbols, because the authorised representative of the proposer, Minister for Human and Minority Rights Mr Suad Numanović, said at the very meeting that he was withdrawing from procedure the Proposal for the Law on Selection, Use and Public Display of National Symbols.      

The Minister pointed out that, starting from the fact that 37 amendments had been submitted to the Proposal for the Law containing 25 articles and appreciating the interest of all MP Groups to contribute to improving the writing of the Proposal for the Law which was a step forward in this field, he deemed it necessary to withdraw the Proposal for the Law from the parliamentary procedure in order for all MPs and other interested parties to harmonise the new the Proposal for the Law through political dialogue in the following period. He pointed out that this was a very sensitive subject, because the rights of members of minorities and other minority national communities were guaranteed in the Constitution, and it was necessary to acknowledge the fact that Montenegro was a civil state, so this field should be regulated in a quality manner, in order for this Proposal for the Law to be adopted by the Parliament of Montenegro by the required 2/3 majority of all MPs.

MPs Mr Halil Duković, Ms Ljiljana Đurašković, Mr Srđa Popović and Mr Izet Bralić assessed as positive the withdrawal of the Proposal for the Law from the parliamentary procedure, with hope that they would regulate this field in a quality manner, through political dialogue, due to which an invitation was sent to all MP Groups of the Parliament of Montenegro as well as representatives of the Government of Montenegro, NGO sector and interested citizens. They agreed with the Minister that the subject matter was very sensitive and they commended the sensibility of the Ministries in the need to harmonise certain solutions and draft a new Proposal for the Law which would contain solutions in the interest of all citizens of Montenegro.

MPs Mr Nik Gjeloshaj and Mr Rešad Sijarić expressed their opinions that, however, at this point the Proposal for the Law should not have been withdrawn from the parliamentary procedure, stating that it was very important to define selection, use and public display of national symbols.