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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 03. March 2015. 15:55

Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms holds a public debate titled “The Rights of the Child – Foster Care”

The Committee visited Children's home “Mladost“ in Bijela and Special Psychiatric Hospital "Dobrota" in Kotor

Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms of the Parliament of Montenegro, in cooperation with the UNICEF Office to Montenegro, held a public debate titled “The Rights of the Child – Foster Care” in Herceg Novi.

The Committee members visited Children's home “Mladost“ in Bijela in order to learn about the situation in the Institution and activities undertaken for the purpose of improving the conditions since the Committee’s previous visit of May 2012.

On the same day, they visited Special Psychiatric Hospital "Dobrota" in Kotor, the only hospital specialised in psychiatry in Montenegro, founded in 1953.

The said activities of Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms were assessed as very successful by all participants.