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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 05. March 2015. 17:40

Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms holds its 47th meeting

Odbor razmotrio Godišnji izvještaj Nacionalnog mehanizma za prevenciju torture za 2013. godinu 

At today’s 47th meeting, the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms considered 2013 Annual Report of the National Preventive Mechanisms Against Torture, submitted to the Parliament of Montenegro by the Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms and Information on representation of minorities and other minority national communities in state bodies and public administration bodies, submitted to the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms by the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights.

Following the discussion, the Committee unanimously supported the 2013 Annual Report of the National Preventive Mechanisms Against Torture and decided to submit the Report with Proposal for Conclusions to the Parliament.

Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms supported the Proposal for measures contained in the Information, that should be undertaken by the competent authorities, in order to provide efficient participation of minorities and other minority national communities in political and public life of Montenegro, and implement consistently constitutional and legislative guarantees on proportional representation of minorities and other minority national communities in state bodies and public administration bodies together with Proposal for Conclusions, and submit thereof to the Collegium of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro and Ministry for Human and Minority Rights.