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Tuesday, 17. March 2015. 15:47

Chairperson of Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms to Meet Head of Democratization Department of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro

On Friday, 19 March 2015, Chairperson of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms Mr Halil Duković will meet Head of the Democratization Department of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro Ms Lia Magnaguagno.

The meeting is organised upon the request of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, with the aim of providing expert help to the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms in establishing procedures for acting in accordance with the recently adopted Code of Ethics for MPs.

Additionally, the meeting with representatives of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro was envisaged by the 2014 Activity Plan of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms, aimed at continuation of the cooperation with the OSCE Mission to Montenegro.

In the previous period, the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms cooperated with the OSCE Mission to Montenegro within the project “Strengthening capacities of the Parliament of Montenegro 2007-2011”, and public debates on various topics held around Montenegro were one of the cooperation forms. In line with Guidelines for organising public debates established by the OSCE Mission, the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms later continued to independently and successfully organise public debates, which have significantly contributed to better informing of citizens about their rights guaranteed by the Constitution and laws as well as manners for protecting those rights.

Democratization Department of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro has programmes related to strengthening capacities of the Parliament of Montenegro, which opens possibilities for cooperation and joint activities.

The meeting will be held in the Small Blue Room of the Parliament of Montenegro, at 12:00h.

Cameramen and photo-reporters may record the beginning of the meeting, and a press release will be issues after the meeting.