Chairman of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms, Mr Halil Duković, will participate at the Conference "Quality, inclusion and innovations - foundations for the future", organised by the Ministry of Education and Sports and UNICEF Office in Montenegro.
The Conference will cover three topics: early and preschool education, inclusion of children with disabilities and the role of the school in developing emotional and social skills of pupils. The quality of any education system, as well as the success of the society in general, to a large extent depend on the manner in which these three aspects of education have been organised, and which significantly contribute to personal and overall social development.
Renowned experts in the field of education, promoters of the importance of early and pre-school education and inclusion, and representatives of the world's leading institutions in the field of innovative approaches to teaching and learning, as well as professionals from all institutions of pre-school and primary education and institutions working under the competence of the Ministry of Education, will exchange their experiences and knowledge about these important aspects of the quality of education.
The results achieved since the first joint conference on the quality of education, which was organised in July 2014, will be presented on the Conference, as well as the degree of implementation of the Conclusions to which the Ministry of Education committed itself, and with a critical and constructive review of the situation in education new impetus and inspiration for the forthcoming reform will be given.
The Conference will be held in the Hotel Ramada in Podgorica, to start at 9:00.