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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 05. March 2014. 15:40

Visit of Delegation of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants to the Republic of Macedonia

Within the visit to the Republic of Macedonia, multiple meetings were planned in the Sobranie, Agency for Emigration, and Embassy of Montenegro, as well as the Montenegrin Community in the Republic of Macedonia. 

Delegation of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants will stay in an official visit to the Republic of Macedonia in the period 6-8 March, during which they will have meetings with the chairpersons and members of the Foreign Policy Committee and Committee on Political System and Inter-Ethnic Relations of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, with the Ambassador of Montenegro to the Republic of Macedonia, representatives of the Montenegrin Community in the Republic of Macedonia, as well as the Director of Agency for Emigration of the Republic of Macedonia.

Delegation consists of Mr Miodrag Vuković, Chairperson of the Committee, and members Mr Obrad Mišo Stanišić, Mr Mićo Orlandić, Mr Dritan Abazović and Mr Danko Šarančić.