Chairman of the Committee, Mr Miodrag Vuković, received today the Secretary General of the international organization ALDA, Ms Antonela Valmorbida, coordinator of the regional program for the Southeast Europe, Ms Stanka Parać Damjanović and the representative of the Agency for Local Democracy from Nikšić, Mr Kerim Međedović.
Presenting thework, activities and project goalsof the Associationof Local Democracy Agencies, the SecretaryGeneral, Ms AntonellaValmorbida informed the Chairman about the plans regardingthe organization ofthe AnnualGeneral Assemblyin Podgorica. Celebrating15yearsof active work, and inorder to confirm thestrong linkswith the regionand Montenegro, the wish has been expressed that the eventbesupported by theworking bodyof the Parliamentof Montenegroas well, responsible forinternational cooperation. In this respect, Ms Valmorbidainformed theChairmanabout the previousmeetingsheld during her visit, which were actuallyapreparationfor the GeneralAssemblyof the organizationand relatedeventsin May, which would be organizedin Podgorica.
Appreciating the importanceof ALDAas an international organizationwith a wide scopeof operations and activities, Chairman Vukovićwelcomed the initiativeand expressed his satisfaction with the proposalthat the Committeeon International RelationsandEmigrants might be involved in the part of the agendafor which they together decide the Committeecouldmake a contribution. Being of the opinionthat the Parliamentandthe Committeeshouldfind theirplacein theorganization of the event, to the extentexpected and realistic, Mr Vuković stated thatit is a projectwith the potentialto bring togetherlarge number ofrelevant actorsfrom the regionand Europe. Convincedthat Montenegro willbe a goodpartneranda good host, he expressed his supportandopenness tocooperation andparticipation.
Association of Local Democracy Agencies – ALDA is an international non-governmentalorganization founded in 1999on the initiative ofthe Congress of LocalandRegional Authorities ofthe Council of Europe, inorder to coordinate andsupportthe networkof Local Democracy Agencies. In the framework of promotion of good governanceandactiveparticipationof citizensat the local level,ALDAhas beenfocusedon topics suchas European integration, decentralization, civil initiatives andvolunteering, human rightsandsustainable economicdevelopment.