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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 17. April 2015. 08:05

Delegation of Committee on International Relations and Emigrants attends Sixth Meeting of Chairpersons of Foreign Affairs Committees of SEE Parliaments

The topic of the meeting was regional cooperation and cooperation of national delegations to international parliamentary organisations

On 16 April 2015 in Belgrade, the Sixth Meeting of Foreign Affairs Committees of the SEE Parliaments was held. Participants in the meeting included parliamentary delegations of foreign affairs committees of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia, as well as heads of national delegations to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

The topic of the meeting was regional cooperation and cooperation of national delegations to international parliamentary organisations. At the meeting, priorities and activities within Serbian presidency of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe and Bosnia and Herzegovina within its upcoming presidency of the Council of Europe were presented. At the meeting, the results of the Conference of Women Parliamentarians from the South-East Europe “Equal and empowered – together we are stronger”, which was held in Belgrade on 2 March 2015, were presented.

Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Mr Miodrag Vuković spoke of good neighbourly cooperation which was one of the key national priorities of Montenegro, and, in that context, of cooperation of the Parliament of Montenegro with national parliament of other countries. He pointed out the need for intensifying contact, continuous exchange of opinions and the need for tolerant dialogue, as conditions for overcoming the problems arising in relations between the countries in the region.

Chairperson Vuković especially referred to the recent, completely unnecessary problem of Sutorina, pointing at all aspects of this political, but also parliamentary incident, which had happened in a neighbouring country, expressing his belief that very soon a rational and diplomatic state position would, in this case as well, overpower the irrational emotions and interests which lie at the heart of this unjustifiably caused problem.

He suggested, and the attendees accepted, that the position should be entered in the joint conclusions that the meetings of the foreign affairs committees of the SEE parliaments should be a forum for sharing of information and the opened political dialogue on all open issues or issues that that could arise among the participating states.