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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 26. June 2015. 17:23

Meeting Mr Vuković – Mr Abdulsamad

Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Miodrag Vuković today met Ambassador of the State of Kuwait H.E. Yousef Abdulsamad.

On the occasion, Chairperson of the Committee Mr Vuković congratulated newly-appointed Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador on the appointment to the position of non-residential Ambassador of the State of Kuwait to Montenegro, based in Belgrade.  

Mr Vuković voiced pleasure over the meeting and expressed the interest for improving mutual cooperation and intensifying contacts at the high level.

During the meeting, Chairperson Vuković emphasised that the Committee was devoted to parliamentary cooperation with other countries at the bilateral and multilateral level through participation in meetings of international organisations, primarily by cooperation with national parliaments, with ambition for Montenegro to be recognised in the region and also wider as a good partner.

Speaking on the relations of the State of Kuwait and Montenegro, H.E. Yousef Abdulsamad stressed the need for strengthening economic and trade relations of the two countries, placing an accent to investment potential of his country. The Ambassador also said that during his mandate he would be devoted to strengthening relations and connections of the two states, as well as widening cooperation to other fields.

Ambassador Abdulsamad announced a visit of Delegation of the Parliament of the State of Kuwait, to be carried out at the beginning of October of the current year, saying that the Delegation would be composed of chairperson and members of interparliamentary Friendship Group for Montenegro in the Parliament of Kuwait. With regard to that, Chairperson Vuković informed his guest that the process of forming the Friendship Group of the Parliament of Montenegro and Parliament of the Kuwait was ongoing, and that until the final establishment of the Group, members of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants composed the interparliamentary friendship group.

It was agreed at the meeting that additional efforts should be made in the following period, for the purpose of improving economic relations of the two countries, and continuing further cooperation of the two countries through more intensive meetings.