At their joint meeting held today, members of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants and the Committee on European Integration considered the 2014 Performance Report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration.
The Report was presented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Mr Igor Lukšić, who disclosed the activities of the Ministry in the field of European and Euro-Atlantic integration, bilateral and multilateral relations, economic diplomacy, cooperation with emigrants and administrative capacities. The Minister pointed out that nine negotiation chapters had been opened in the past year, and that in its NATO integration plan, Montenegro continued to actively implement reforms and fulfil its obligations from the Euro-Atlantic agenda. The Minister also emphasised the importance of working on the wording of the law which would more closely regulate the issue of cooperation with the emigrants.
The MPs were inquiring about the dynamics of making progress in the EU negotiation process, activities aimed at ending the border demarcation process, as well as the manner of keeping records of emigrants, the setting up of which was in the planning stage. At the meeting, the need for intensifying economic diplomacy and further strengthening of diplomatic and consular network was pointed out, but the public administration was also commended, in the sense of dedication and commitment while fulfilling obligations of Montenegro’s path towards the EU. In addition to that, the MPs suggested that in the future the Ministry’s performance reports should also include the information on the activities resulting from cooperation between the Parliament and the Ministry.
Members of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants and the Committee on European Integration supported the 2014 Performance Report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration with a majority of votes.