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Monday, 09. November 2015. 13:49

Regional workshop of the Circle of Mediterranean Parliamentarians for Sustainable Development “COMPSUD” held

Member of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Ms Žana Filipović participated

Organised by the Circle of Mediterranean Parliamentarians for Sustainable Development “COMPSUD”, “Regional workshop for members of parliaments, media and interested parties on adaptation to climate change in Mediterranean coastal area” was held in the period from 4 to 6 November, in Athens, in which member of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Ms Žana Filipović participated.

The purpose of the Regional workshop was to inform members of parliaments on current and future international and Mediterranean initiatives and processes on climate variability and changes with focus on coastal areas in the Mediterranean. Additionally, it is aimed at informing the participants on regional programmes and activities on climate variability, changes and programmes related to water, coastal areas, and environment, with a purpose to identify manners for a more active engagement of MPs in the said areas.

Participants in this workshop included members of parliaments from Mediterranean countries, journalists, representatives of civil society organisations, and representatives of international and regional institutions and organisations.

During the meeting it was estimated that the need for joint action at all levels was vital for promotion of dialogue on protection of the environment in the Mediterranean and necessary social and economic conditions aimed at creating continuity of sustainable development in the region.

Regional workshop, additionally, represented an opportunity for exchange of experiences and views among members of parliaments, media and other interested parties on manners of promotion of their role and contribution of MPs to promotion of priority actions at the regional and national level, with focus on climate variability and changes, as well as education for sustainable development.

MP Ms Filipović, additionally, attended the closing event, which preceded the Regional workshop, and relating to: MedPartnership - Mediterranean Sea Large Marine Ecosystem and Integration of climate variability and changes into the national strategy for application of Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Mediterranean  (ICZM).