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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 01. July 2016. 15:04

Meeting Mr Vuković - Mr Mitrović

Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Mr Miodrag Vuković today has met with Director of the Diaspora Administration at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Mr Predrag Mitrović.

Within continuous cooperation between the Committee and the Administration, the significance of intensive communication was emphasised, aimed at synchronising action directed towards resolving the issues especially dedicated to emigrants from Montenegro.

Considering that the XIX Cetinje Parliamentary Forum, dedicated to issues of emigrants from Montenegro, will be held in September 2016, the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants, as the bearer and organiser of this autochthonous regional initiative of the Parliament of Montenegro, expects expert and logistical assistance from the Diaspora Administration in organising of this significant event. The Cetinje Parliamentary Forum is a significant parliamentary gathering and represents a unique opportunity to be held in order to promote action of all competent Montenegrin institutions and responsible entities in order to improve the position and status of emigrants from Montenegro in the region, in Europe and worldwide.

The significance of keeping regular contact between the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants and the Diaspora Administration was pointed out, and it was noted that cooperation with emigrants needed to be based on harmonised action, in order to stimulate and create joint human and intellectual potential of the country of origin and emigrants from Montenegro.

Mr Mitrović informed Chairperson Vuković on the process of constituting the Council for Cooperation with Emigrants and its verification in the near future as well as on the current issues regarding the position and functioning of communities of our emigrants in the Republic of Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo, and Albania.