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Skupština Crne Gore
Saturday, 22. October 2016. 21:09

Mr Miodrag Vuković participates in St. Luka’s gathering

Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Mr Miodrag Vuković participated in the event “St. Luka’s gathering”, held today in the organisation of the National Community of Montenegrins in Croatia and Association of Montenegrins and friends of Montenegro "Montenegro" Zagreb.

In the last ten years, St. Luka’s gatherings have been devoted to the most important events from the rich Montenegrin history. Every year, one Montenegrin town is the guest of the gathering, and this time it is Mojkovac, therefore the century of the Mojkovac Battle is marked by the 18th St. Luka’s gathering.

The event was opened by Mr Danilo Ivezić, President of the of the National Community of Montenegrins in Croatia, and aside from MP Mr Miodrag Vuković, the attendees were addressed by President of Matica crnogorska Mr Dragan Radulović, President of the Municipality of Mojkovac Mr Dejan Medojević and envoy of the Mayor of the City of Zagreb Slavko Kojić.

In his speech, MP Vuković referred to marking of the century of the Mojkovac Battle, and the importance of preserving historical memory, culture and tradition of Montenegro outside of its borders.

He pointed out that the Montenegrin minority in Croatia, working on their promotion and protection, also contributed to building a prosperous Croatian society.

He reminded that 2016 was a year of historically important anniversaries, including ten years of renewing Montenegro’s sovereignty and a thousand years of its statehood. 

- During its existence, Montenegro has passed through a lot of hardship, there were ups and downs, but most frequently great events, which, today, after so many years are bright signposts towards our final goal. One of those magnificent truths is the Mojkovac Battle, which happened 100 years ago, where Montenegro for the umpteenth time proved its value, sacrificing itself for the universal ideals, Mr Miodrag Vuković said on that occasion.

The event was attended by over 600 participants, Montenegrins from all national associations from Croatia as well as friends of Montenegro. Ambassador of Montenegro to the Republic of Croatia Mr Boro Vučinić attended the event.

The event was accompanied by a rich cultural program.