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Committee on International Relations and Emigrants held a control hearing of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Mr Igor Lukšić.

The Committee provided a positive opinion on five proposals for the laws

The Committee provided positive opinions to the proposals for appointments of the ambassadors of Montenegro to the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Turkey

At its 24th meeting held today, the Committee on International Affairs and Emigrants has reached a decision on control hearing of Mr Igor Lukšić, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Montenegro and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration on the topic of: "Acting of the Government of the Republic of Croatia on the occasion of granting concessions for oil and gas exploration in Prevlaka region," by which the "Protocol on the provisional regime along the Southern Border between Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia" has been violated. The hearing will be held on 16 June of 2014.

Chairman of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Miodrag Vuković and members Mr Nikola Gegaj and Mr Danko Šarančić, met with the Senator Simon Sutour, Chair of the Committee on European Affairs in the Senate of the Republic of France

The meeting will be held on 28 May 2014, in the Blue Room of the Parliament of Montenegro, at 17:30. 

Speaking of regional and cross-border cooperation Chairman Vuković said that Montenegro has defined regional cooperation as one of the most important foreign policy priorities

Topic - Perspectives on foreign policy in regional and cross-border cooperation

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