The meeting discussed legislative framework from this field, practice in the European Union countries and mechanisms for improving thereof.
Presenting the current state in this field, participants agreed that when it comes to legislation, European standards were completely implemented, whereas it was necessary to additionally strengthen mechanisms applied in the practice. In addition, they pointed out the importance of finding the model for sustainable financing of the public broadcaster as well as respect of constitutional principles by media when it comes to reporting. Given the above, the Committee will, within its responsibilities, continue to monitor thoroughly the implementation of recommendations given in the European Commission Progress Report with the aim of full harmonisation with acquis in this field.
The experts underlined that, due to digitalisation and general availability of information via the Internet, the role and range of public broadcasters had significantly decreased, thus it was necessary to make adjustments to such circumstances.
On behalf of the Committee on Political System, Judiciary and Administration, the meeting was attended by: Chairperson of the Committee Mr Rifat Rastoder and members of the Committee Ms Marta Šćepanović and Ms Danijela Marković as well as the Service of the Committee.