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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 29. July 2013. 18:06

Thirteenth meeting of the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Sports held

During its thirteenth meeting held today, the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Sports considered amendments submitted by MPs in the field of education:

1. The following MPs submitted amendments to the Proposal for the Law on General Law on Education:

- Andrija Popović (3)
- Srđan Perić and Mladen Bojanić (13)
- Suljo Mustafić, Almer Kalač, Kemal Zoronjić and Genci Nimanbegu (3)
- Suljo Mustafić, Almer Kalač, Kemal Zoronjić and Genci Nimanbegu (1)
- Zoran Jelić and Marta Šćepanović (1)
After stating its opinion, the Committee supported amendment 3, submitted by MPs Suljo Mustafić, Almer Kalač, Kemal Zoronjić and Genci Nimanbegu. The Committee also supported amendment submitted by MPs Zoran Jelić and Marta Šćepanović.
The proponent of the Law accepted none of the amendments submitted to this Proposal for the Law, but it would state its opinion on amendment submitted by MPs Zoran Jelić and Marta Šćepanović later.

2. The following MPs submitted amendments to the Proposal for the Law on Primary Education:
- Branka Bošnjak PhD, Miodrag Lekić, Ljiljana Đurašković PhD,  Jelisava Kalezić PhD and Milan Knežević (2)
- Branka Tanasijević MA and Draginja Vuksanović PhD (1)
- Srđan Perić and Mladen Bojanić (8)
The proponent of the Law accepted one amendment submitted by MPs Branka Tanasijević MA and Draginja Vuksanović PhD, and it has become an integral part of the Proposal for the Law.
Other amendments were not supported by the Committee nor accepted by the proponent.

3. MPs Srđan Perić and Mladen Bojanić (10) submitted amendments to the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Vocational Education.
Amendments submitted by MPs Srđan Perić and Mladen Bojanić were not supported by the Committee. Proponent of the Law did not accept the mentioned amendments.

4. MPs Srđan Perić and Mladen Bojanić (8) submitted amendments to the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Gymnasium.
The amendments were not supported by the Committee. Proponent of the Law did not accept these amendments.

5. The following MPs submitted amendments to the Proposal for the Law on Higher Education:
- Andrija Popović (3)
-  Branka Tanasijević MA and Draginja Vuksanović PhD (2)
- Srđan Perić, Mladen Bojanić and Goran Tuponja (21)
- Branka Bošnjak PhD, Jelisava Kalezić PhD,  Ljiljana Đurašković PhD and Milan Knežević (19)
- Damir Šehović MA and Draginja Vuksanović PhD (2)

Proponent of the Law accepted two amendments submitted by MPs Branka Tanasijević MA and Draginja Vuksanović PhD; amendments 1, 4 and 13 submitted by MPs Branka Bošnjak PhD, Ljiljana Đurašković PhD, Jelisava Kalezić PhD and Milan Knežević as well as one amendment submitted by MPs Damir Šehović MA and Draginja Vuksanović PhD and those has become an integral part of the Proposal for the Law. The proponent of the Law also accepted amendment of the Committee to this Proposal for the Law. Other amendments were not accepted.

Consideration of amendments submitted by MPs Snežana Jonica and Srđan Milić was postponed for today.