Sarajevo, 8 - 10 November 2013
America - Bosnia Foundation (ABF) and Centre for Transatlantic Relations (SAIS), in cooperation with the Gender Equality Agency (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees Bosnia and Herzegovina organise the International Conference which will be held from 8 to 10 November in Sarajevo.
The aim of the Conference is empowerment of women and youth in the public sphere, as one of the ways to promote sustainable stability in transition countries. The Conference will gather representatives of the institutions and civil society organisations from South East Europe and North Africa dealing with representation of the role of women in resolving the unresolved legal issues so far, building the peace process and providing answers to the challenges of transition.
It was envisaged that the representatives of the following countries would attend the Conference: Montenegro, Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece, Croatia, Cyprus, Kosovo, Libya, Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, Romania, Serbia, Tunisia and Turkey.
The launching of Mediterranean Women in Leadership and Civil Society Online Network will be held at the Conference, as well as the new platform for promotion of women’s associations in the countries of the Western Balkans and North Africa.
Američko-bosanska fondacija (ABF) i Centar za transatlantske odnose (SAIS), u saradnji sa Agencijom za ravnopravnost spolova (BiH), Ministarstvom za ljudska prava i izbjeglice BiH, organizuje međunarodnu konferenciju koja će biti održana od 8 - 10. novembra, u Sarajevu.
Cilj konferencije je osnaživanje žena i mladih ljudi u javnoj sferi, kao jedan od načina za promovisanje održive stabilnosti u tranzicijskim zemljama. Konferenciju će okupiti predstavnice/ke institucija i organizacija civilnog društva iz Jugoistočne Evrope i Sjeverne Afrike koje rade na predstavljanju uloge žena u rješavanju, do sada neriješenih, pravnih pitanja, izgradnje procesa mira i davanja odgovora na tranzicijske izazove.
Predviđeno je da konferenciji prisustvuju predstavnici/ce sljedećih zemalja: Crne Gore, Albanije, Alžira, Bosne i Hercegovine, Bugarske, Egipta, Grčke, Hrvatske, Kipra, Kosova, Libije, Makedonije, Malte, Monaka, Rumunije, Srbije, Tunisa i Turske.
Na Konferenciji će biti inaugurisana Mediteranska mreža asocijacije žena i civilnog društva, kao nove platforme za promovisanje ženskih udruženja u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana i Sjeverne Afrike.