The Delegation informed the President on the international conference “General and specialised services of assistance to women who experienced violence - guarantees of availability and quality of service”, held in Podgorica, on 25 November as a part of the campaign “16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence”. The conference was dedicated to implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, and organised by the Gender Equality Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro and the NGO Women's Safe House. Representatives of Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia, Serbia and Turkey adopted the Podgorica Declaration as important document for strengthening gender equality policies at the local, national and regional level. The President of Montenegro is expected to initially support the Podgorica Declaration at some of the following regional summits of presidents of states, as a contribution to the regional cooperation in preventing and fighting violence against women and domestic violence.
President Mr Filip Vujanović voiced support to the Podgorica Declaration, expecting that it would obtain the regional support also.