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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 20. November 2013. 15:04

Thirteenth meeting of the Committee on Tourism, Agriculture, Ecology and Spatial Planning held

Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Protection From Noise in the Environment considered as well as six amendments

At today’s meeting, the Committee on Tourism, Agriculture, Ecology and Spatial Planning considered the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Protection From Noise in the Environment as well as amendments submitted to the Proposal for the Law by the following:

- Member of Parliament Ljerka Dragičević (one),
- Members of Parliament Predrag Sekulić and Slobodan Krušo Radović (three),
- Members of Parliament Obrad Gojković and Velizar Kaluđerović (one),
- Government of Montenegro (two)
- Members of Parliament Predrag Sekulić and Slobodan Krušo Radović (one).

After stating its position, the Committee decided, by a majority of votes, to propose to the Parliament to adopt the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Protection From Noise in the Environment.

Amendment submitted by MP Ljerka Dragičević was not supported by the required majority, thus the Committee decided to propose to the Parliament not to adopt it. The Government’s representative did not accept the amendment submitted by MP Dragičević. MPs Predrag Sekulić and Slobodan Krušo Radović gave up the amendments 2 and 3. The Committee supported the amendment submitted by MPs Sekulić and Radović, and the Government accepted it and it has become an integral part of the Proposal for the Law.

By a majority of votes, the Committee supported the amendment submitted by MPs Obrad Gojković and Velizar Kaluđerović. The Government accepted it and it has become an integral part of the Proposal for the Law.

The Committee discussed the amendments submitted by the Government, and those have become an integral part of the Proposal for the Law.

Amendment submitted by MPs Predrag Sekulić and Slobodan Krušo Radović was not supported by the required majority of the Committee. Representative of the Government accepted it and it has become an integral part of the Proposal for the Law.

During the meeting, minutes from ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth Committee meeting were approved.