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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 27. December 2013. 14:39

Nineteenth meeting of the Committee on Tourism, Agriculture, Ecology and Spatial Planning held

At their meeting held today, the Committee on Tourism, Agriculture, Ecology and Spatial Planning considered the information on the activities regarding harmonisation of the national legislation with the European Union acquis for the following chapters: 11 - Agriculture and rural development; 12 - Food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy; 13 – Fisheries; and 27 Environment and Climate.

The Representative of the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism MS IvanaVojinović said that Chapter 27 - Environment and Climate was one of the most demanding and that acts from these fields made up one third of the European Union acquis. She pointed out that a high degree of harmonisation of the national legislation with that of the EU was noted.

The representative of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Ms DanijelaStolica pointed out that the acquis in the field of agriculture and rural development encompassed an extremely high number of binding rules which in the following period would have to be adopted, harmonised, and implemented by Montenegro. The request of the European Union for Montenegro to strengthen its administrative capacities and structures, such as Agency for Payment, Integrated Administrationand Control System and Monitoring Accounting in Agricultural Households, is of significant importance.

The Committee decided to determine assessments and positions at one of its future meetings, on the occasion of consideration of information, and to notify thereof the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism.