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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 05. December 2014. 18:05

Joint meeting of the Committee on Tourism, Agriculture, Ecology and Spatial Planning of the Parliament of Montenegro and the Productive Activity, Trade and Environment Committee of the Parliament of Albania

Meeting "Promoting bilateral cooperation between parliamentary committees of Albania and Montenegro, with the aim of strengthening parliamentary oversight on environment issues" was held in Shkoder, on 5 December 2014.  

In Shkoder today, organised by the OSCE Missions to Montenegro and Albania, a joint meeting was held between the Committee on Tourism, Agriculture, Ecology and Spatial Planning of the Parliament of Montenegro and the Productive Activity, Trade and Environment Committee of the Parliament of Albania, on the topic “Promoting bilateral cooperation between parliamentary committees of Albania and Montenegro, with the aim of strengthening parliamentary oversight on environment issues”. The meeting was attended by Chairperson of the Committee on Tourism, Agriculture, Ecology and Spatial Planning Mr Predrag Sekulić, Deputy Chairperson of the Committee Ms Jelisaveta Kalezić, and MPs Ms Ljiljana Đurašković and Mr Mićo Orlandić. The meeting was attended by the Chairperson of the Productive Activity, Trade and Environment Committee Mr Eduard Shalsi; Ambassador Mr Florian Raunig, Head of the OSCE Presence in Albania; Mr Waldemar Figaj, Deputy Head of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, and representatives of Aarhus Centres from Shkoder, Podgorica and Nikšić. It was emphasised that this, the first, joint meeting should lay out the cooperation path which would ensure not only joint protection of the environment in the border area, but also help to use enormous natural potential of the two countries.