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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 28. May 2015. 13:46

Committee on Tourism, Agriculture, Ecology and Spatial Planning holds its 45th meeting

Implementation of the Conclusions by the Parliament of Montenegro relating to the environmental issues in Pljevlja considered 

At today's meeting, the Committee on Tourism, Agriculture, Ecology and Spatial Planning considered the implementation of the Conclusions by the Parliament of Montenegro adopted at the meeting of 27 December 2014, relating to the environmental issues in Pljevlja.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, Administration for Inspection Affairs and Public Health Institute, who gave explanations on reports and information submitted to the Committee on activities taken by the responsible bodies in the implementation of the Conclusions. Upon the invitation, President of Pljevlja Municipality Mr Mirko Đačić attended the meeting, presenting the efforts made by the local self-government in tackling consequences of the bad situation in the field of environmental protection in Pljevlja.

Following the discussion at the Committee meeting, during which different opinions on the level of implementation of the Conclusions were expressed, it was stated that responsible bodies had been performing their duties and obligations, and that they informed the lead Committee about that regularly. The Committee assessed that the adoption of the Conclusions by the Parliament of Montenegro resulted in more active relation of the responsible bodies towards the problems that exist in Pljevlja Municipality for many years. It was stated that the Committee would continuously, in line with its competences and 2015 Work Plan, monitor the implementation of the Conclusions.