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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 23. July 2015. 15:49

President of the Parliament met with representatives of the Party of United Pensioners and Disabled

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ranko Krivokapić, met today with representatives of the Party of United Pensioners and Disabled at their request

The topics of today's meeting with representatives of the Party of United Pensioners and Disabled was to inform the President Ranko Krivokapić with their requirements, as well as issues of the position of pensioners in Montenegro.

The Cabinet of the President of the Parliament did not issue a press release on this occasion and the alleged statement from the meeting is an arbitrary interpretation of the representatives of the Party of United Pensioners and Disabled.

Statements of the President of the Parliament from the meetings are issued for the public by his Cabinet and only those can be considered an official stance.