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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 30. July 2015. 20:29

49th meeting of the Committee on Tourism, Agriculture, Ecology and Spatial Planning ends

The Committee considered and stated its opinion on amendments to the Proposal for the Law on Coastal Property

At today’s continuation of the 49th meeting, the Committee considered and stated its opinion on amendments to the Proposal for the Law on Coastal Property. Of 92 amendments directed to the Committee, 88 were considered.

MP Ms Maja Ćatović withdrew amendments 4 and 5.  The Government did not accept amendments 1, 2 and 3, and the Committee did not support those.

The Government accepred modified version of Amendments 3 and 7, submitted by MPs Mr Obrad Gojković, Mr Dritan Abazović and Neven Gošović, and those have become an integral part of the Proposal for the Law.  The Committee supported amendments 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10.

The Committee supported six amendments by MP Ms Ljerka Dragičević, as well as one amendment submitted by MPs Mr Genci Nimanbegu and Mr Dritan Abazović.

Of three amendments submitted by MPs Mr Obrad Gojković and Mr Dritan Abazović, the Government accepted amendment 3.  The Committee supported amendments 1 and 2.

MP Mr Genci Nimanbegu  independently submitted ten amendments. Upon the proposal by the Government representative, MP Mr Nimanbegu  accepted modification of amendment 1, therefore the modified amendment has become an integral part of the Proposal for the Law.  The MP withdrew amendments 2, 3, 5 and 10, while the Committee supported amendments 4,6,7, 8 and 9.

MPs Mr Predrag Sekulić, Mr Branko Čavor, Ms Marta Šćepanović and Mr Slobodan Krušo Radović submitted 21 amendments, and those have become an integral part of the Proposal for the Law, as well as three amendments submitted by MPs Mr Goran Tuponja and Mr Srđan Perić.

Of seven amendments submitted by MPs Mr Srđan Milić, Ms Snežana Jonica, Mr Radosav Nišavić, Ms Danijela Marković and Mr Danko Šarančić, the Governement accepted amendments 2,6 and 7, while the Committee supported amendments 1,3,4 and 5.

The Committee did not support one amendment, submitted independently by MP Mr Obrad Gojković, nor nine amendments submitted by MP Ms Branka Bošnjak.

Of four amendments submitted by MP Mr Dritan Abazović, the Government accepted modified amendment 2.  Amendments 1,3 and 4 were not supported by the Committee.

MPs Ms Draginja Vuksanović and Mr Džavid Šabović submitted eight amendments.  The Government accepted amendments 2 and 4, while the Committee did not support amendments 1,3,5,6,7 and 8.

Four amendments submitted by MP Mr Goran Danilović were not considered, due to absence from the meeting of the submitter of the amendments.