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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 24. June 2014. 14:15

Committee on Health, Labour and Social Welfare holds its 49th meeting

Status Report on children's rights in Montenegro considered

Aside from the members of the Committee, Head of the UNICEF Office to Montenegro, Mr Benjamin Perks and the Director of the Statistics Office of Montenegro, Ms Gordana Radojević, the meeting was also attended by the representatives of civil society dealing with children's rights in Montenegro.   

Speaking on the subject of the Status Report on children's rights in Montenegro, Head of the UNICEF Office to Montenegro, Mr Benjamin Perks and the Director of the Statistics Office of Montenegro, Ms Gordana Radojević, pointed out, among other things, that the Status Report was drafted according to European standards. The results show that Montenegro has achieved exceptional progress in this area and that year in year out the quality of life of children increased, and that they should continue to work in that direction.

Head of the UNICEF Office to Montenegro, Mr Benjamin Perks, said that it was very important to take certain actions in order to increase the number of children who would attend early childhood education, particularly in the northern region of Montenegro.

All present members of the Committee took part in the discussion. They stated that the Statistics Office did significant research project funded by UNICEF. In addition, the representatives of the NGO sector joined the discussion. Mr Perks and Ms Radojević answered numerous questions of the Committee members and representatives of the civil sector.

The Committee, in cooperation with UNICEF and the Statistics Office will in the period to come organize thematic meetings, in order to improve the situation in the areas where the data shown are not satisfactory.