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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 01. December 2014. 17:15

Committee on Health, Labour and Social Welfare holds its 66th meeting

The Committee dedicated today’s meeting to marking the World AIDS Day in Montenegro 

In addition to the Committee members, the meeting was attended by Dr Mira Jovanovski Dašić, Assistant Minister of Health and Dr Aleksandra Marijanović, specialist of social medicine from the HIV/AIDS counselling centre at the Public Health Institute.

It was pointed out at the meeting that the HIV virus was difficult to control, although it was not considered a disease but a chronic condition. It was emphasised that the virus was subject to change, but it was very significant that there were drugs that could keep it under control. With regard to age, the infection is most common among persons 25-45 years of age. The important data was that during 2014, the number of infected persons was increased by 8. The good news is that the virus in not transferred by social contact.

Following a comprehensive discussion on this topic, it was noted at the meeting that testing needed to be done when there were no symptoms of the virus.

On 8 December 2014, the Committee on Health, Labour and Social Welfare will hold a consultative hearing regarding the current situation at the maternity ward in Bijelo Polje.