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Round Table “Perspective of Production and Processing of Aluminium in the Region” will be held tomorrow, on 19 July 2013, in the Parliament of Montenegro, and will be opened by the President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić. The Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Branko Radulović Professor PhD will moderate the work of the Round Table.

First day of the visit was implemented with numerous meetings of Ms Nursuna Memecan and Mr Kimmo Sasi, in the presence of the Secretary of the Committee, Ms Sylvie Affholder, with the representatives of the political parties in the Parliament of Montenegro 

Monday, 08. July 2013. 11:32

COSAC Conference in Vilnius held

Priorities of Lithuanian presidency of the European Union presented

Sunday, 07. July 2013. 20:29

COSAC Conference in Vilnius

Within parliamentary dimension of Lithuanian presidency of the European Union, the meeting of chairpersons of European affairs committees of national parliaments of member states of the European family of peoples – COSAC will be held in Vilnius, on 8 July 2013.

FORCA MP Genci Nimanbegu received today a group of American alumni of the Marshall Memorial Programme composed of: Mr Donald Brooks, Mr Derek Chen, Ms Sol Flores, Mr Charles Knutson, Ms Anna Sifford and Mr Marlowe Stoudamire. The meeting was also attended by the Programme Coordinator and Executive Director of the Centre for Civic Education Ms Daliborka Uljarević.

MP of the FORCA Genci Nimanbegu to meet today with representatives of the Marshall Foundation. The meeting will be held in the Parliament of Montenegro premises, in the Blue Room, starting at 12:30.

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