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Topic - The role of parliaments in the oversight of energy policies and investments in the energy sector in the Western Balkans countries 

Monday, 04. August 2014. 16:39

Overview of parliamentary activities

Information on legislative and oversight activities and Report on the implementation of the Action Plan for strengthening the legislative and oversight role have been published

Within the parliamentary dimension of the Italian Presidency of the European Union, the meeting of chairpersons of parliamentary committees for Union Affairs of parliaments of EU, was held in Rome, on 17 and 18 July 2014, attended by the delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro, composed of the Chairman of the Committee on European Integration, Slaven Radunović and the Deputy Chairman, Zoran Srzentić.

Parliament of Montenegro, 8 - 11 July 2014 

On the occasion of the death of the Vice-President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Željko Šturanović, commemorative session of the state authorities was held today at the Old Government Building

Commemorative session on the occasion of the death of the Vice-President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Željko Šturanović, to be held on Wednesday, 2 July at 9.30, at the Old Government Building.

Member of FORCA, Mr Genci Nimanbegu, met today with Turkish academicians – historians and professors from the University in Ankara: Mr Muhammet Savaş Kafkasyalı, Mr Bahadir Gucuyeter and Mr Hasan Bekdes

The meeting to be held in the Red Room at 16.30

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