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Skupština Crne Gore

The visit is a part of the project “Open Parliament”

Joint Declaration adopted

The Forum was opened by Chairperson of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget Mr Aleksandar Damjanović and Chairperson of the Gender Equality Committee Ms Nada Drobnjak

Sunday, 07. June 2015. 14:19

XVIII Cetinje Parliamentary Forum

Women in Business“

Thursday, 04. June 2015. 10:02


With regard to the information that the premises located in Novaka Miloševa street and used by a part of the Service of the Parliament of Montenegro have been contaminated, as a result of a fire which occurred in the yard of the building in the night between 26 and 27 May of the current year, Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Siniša Stanković, among other things, sent a request to the Centre for Ecotoxicological Research to carry out the necessary analysis of the premises, for the purpose of determining with certainty that there was no health hazard for the employees and no obstacles for establishing a regular work process. 

Berlin, 31 May – 2 June 2015

At the meeting of the Commission for conducting elections of members of the Council of Anti-corruption Agency held on 1 June 2015, in accordance with Article 86 paragraph 1 of the Law on Prevention of Corruption, a decision was adopted – a list was determined consisting of 8 candidates who meet the requirements from Articles 83 and 84 of this Law . 

With regard to the information that the premises located in Novaka Miloševa street and used by a part of the Service of the Parliament of Montenegro were contaminated as a result of a fire which occurred in the night between Monday and Tuesday, we are obligated to state the following, in order to provide truthful information: 

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