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Interparliamentary meeting of committees, hosted by the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, was held on 23 and 24 February 2015, wherein MPs Mr Genci Nimanbegu and Mr Luiđ Ljubo Škrelja participated. 

Member of the Committee on Political System, Judiciary and Administration Mr Genci Nimanbegu and member of the Security and Defence Committee Mr Luiđ Ljubo Škrelja are participating in the Interparliamentary meeting on the topic: “Smart Borders Package: European challenges, national experiences, the way ahead”, which is being held in Brussels, on 23 and 24 February 2015. 

Brussels, 23 and 24 February 2015

Members of the MP Group of Albanian parties (FORCA, AA), HGI and LPCG and Bosniak Party (BS) met today in the Parliament of Montenegro with representatives of the EU Delegation to Montenegro

Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Montenegro Mr Cui Zhiwei hosted a reception in his residence, on the occasion of the Chinese New Year, for members of the Friendship Group of the Parliament of Montenegro for cooperation with the National People's Congress (NPC) of the People's Republic of China.  

Members of the MP Group of Albanian parties (FORCA, AA), HGI and LPCG and Bosniak Party (BS) are to meet with representatives of the EU Delegation to Montenegro on Thursday, 5 February

Head of MP Group of Albanian parties (FORCA, AA), HGI and LPCG Mr Andrija Popović held a meeting with representatives of the Union of Free Trade Unions of Montenegro (USSCG), secretary general of USSCG Mr Srđa Keković, and member of Secretariat of USSCG and president of the Trade Union of Banks Ms Lidija Pejović. 

MPs of Albanian parties (FORCA, AA), HGI and LPCG will meet tomorrow on 19 December 2014 with representatives of the Union of Free Trade Unions of Montenegro (USSCG), secretary general of USSCG Mr Srđa Keković, and member of Secretariat of USSCG Ms Lidija Pejović. 

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