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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 13. October 2014. 14:03

Legislative Committee held its 79th meeting

The Committee considered several proposals for laws

The Committee considered the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on National Awards, submitted by the MP Emilo Labudović, but it did not obtain the necessary majority.

The Committee also considered Proposal for the Law on Cooperation and Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Criminal Code of Montenegro, submitted by the MP Zoran Miljanić, but the voting on these proposals was postponed. 

In accordance with Article 67 paragraph 1 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro, the Committee did not consider Proposal for the Law on Ratification of the Convention on Nuclear Safety, Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Higher Education, submitted by the MPs Srđan Milić and Snežana Jonica, and Proposal of the Resolution on Environment, submitted by the MP Branko Radulović.

Consideration of Conclusion of Collegium of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, No. 00-32-5/14-42 of 22 July 2014 was postponed for the next Committee meeting. 

The agenda was extended with 4 amendments to the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Tourism Organisations, submitted by the MP Ljerka Dragičević, on which the Committee voted positively.