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Thursday, 24. September 2015. 18:40

Delegation of the Legislative Committee visited the Upper House of the Italian Parliament

Delegation received by the President of the Senate, Mr Pietro Grasso


Delegation of the Legislative Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro was the guest today of the Upper House of the Italian Parliament – the Senate, as part of the ongoing visit to the Italian Parliament. President of the Senate, Mr Pietro Grasso, briefly interrupted the debate to welcome the guests, in honor of the delegation from Montenegro, followed by a long and strong applause of senators.

Montenegrin parliamentary delegation had very meaningful and friendly talks with members of the Committee on EU Policy, headed by its Chairman, Mr Vannini Chiti-operation, and members of the Constitutional Affairs Committee, headed by Ms Anna Finocchiaro.

During meetings and talks, influential senators expressed very friendly attitude towards Montenegro, as well as their strong support and commitment to Montenegro soon becoming a member of EU and NATO, stressing that such an attitude towards Montenegro was not fostered only by the authoritues, but the entire Italy.

Delegation of the Legislative Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro has been during this visit composed of MPs Mr Velizar Kaluđerović and Mr Luiđ Ljubo Škrelja.