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The Parliament of Montenegro, in cooperation with the Student Parliament of the University of Montenegro (SPUCG) and the Communication Team of the Council for NATO Membership today have organised the “Parliament of Students on Euro-Atlantic Integration”.

Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Siniša Stanković, with his associates, met Secretary General of the National Assembly of Serbia Ms Jana Ljubičić in Belgrade today. At the meeting, views and experiences relating to the work of parliamentary services were exchanged, primarily with the aim of providing better expert help to MPs.

The Committee reached a Decision on supplements to the Decision on determining the amount, manner and procedure of intended spending of funds allocated to MPs groups for engagement of secretaries and professional consultants in the groups

Member of the Parliament Mr Aleksandar Damjanović today met representatives of the Russian Federation Embassy to Montenegro: Mr Vladimir Gurko, Deputy Ambassador, and Mr Aleksandar Kulešov, Advisor for Economic Affairs at the Embassy.

Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms held the 50th meeting today on the subject of the "Importance of investing in preschool education for all children in Montenegro", coorganised with the UNICEF Montenegro office

Chairperson of the Security and Defence Committee Mr Mevludin Nuhodžić, Deputy Chairperson of the Committee Ms Snežana Jonica and members Mr Luiđ Škrelja, Mr Velizar Kaluđerović and Mr Darko Pajović today met Vice Marshal of the Polish Sejm Mr Jerzy Wenderlich. The meeting was also attended by Deputy Director of the International Affairs Bureau of the Polish Sejm Mr Bogdan Janowski and chargé d'affaires in the Embassy of Poland to Montenegro Mr Paweł Łącki.  

Experiences on key aspects of European integration shared, and past and present criteria for the EU membership overviewed 

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