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The Committee considered 12 proposals for laws and the Proposal for Declaration on Accelerated Development of Energy of Montenegro

Members of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants and the Committee on European Integration, composed of: Mr. Miodrag Vuković, Docent, PhD, Mr. Suljo Mustafić, Mr. Vasilije Lalošević and Mr. Dritan Abazović, to attend the Consultative Meeting of the representatives of the Parliaments of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Serbia, to be held in Sarajevo, on 18th February 2013.

Predśednik Odbora za evropske integracije Slaven Radunović sastao se 15. februara 2013. godine sa zamjenikom ambasadora Savezne Republike Njemačke Olaf Peškeom.

Multiple proposals for laws considered.

Members of the Working Group met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration and representatives of the academic community, non-government sector and trade unions.

The visit was part of the project “Open Parliament”.

First Meeting of the Working Group, established by the Anti-corruption Committee, at the Meeting held on 6th February 2013, with the task of preparing the work plan of the Committee for 2013, was held today.

Constitutional Court, the method of election of judges of the Constitutional Court and the majority necessary for their election, were topics of discussion at the meeting.

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