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Friday, 22. February 2013. 09:34

Meeting Šturanović - Delfi

The Vice-President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Željko Šturanović, received the Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Iran, H.E. Mr. Abolghassem Delfi, for a farewell visit.

Član Odbora za evropske integracije Predrag Bulatović, sastao se 21. februara 2013. godine sa direktorom Fondacije Konrad Adenauer Henrijem Bonetom.

Predśednik Odbora za evropske integracije Slaven Radunović, zajedno sa visokim zvaničnicima zemalja regiona učestvovao je na konferenciji na temu „Balkan u budućnosti Evrope: Uloga Srbije“, koju je organizovao Beogradski fond za političku izuzetnost, Fondacija Robert Boš i Evropski fond za Balkan u Berlinu 20 - 21. februara 2013. godine.

Members of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget attended the parliamentary seminar on “EU Energy Policy and its impact on countries in association process” where the Community Energy Strategy was analyzed and challenges and necessary measures were presented that candidate countries and countries in association process needed to make to reform their energy sector.

Details of the upcoming study visit of members of the Security and Defense Committee to the Parliament of Croatia were discussed at the meeting

Topic of the meeting was NATO Integration of Montenegro

In focus of the first day of the Winter Meetings were matters relating to the issues of security forces and cooperation in this area, border cooperation, freedom of media and the situation in Syria, the Republic of Mali and North Africa

The aim of the meeting is agreement on details of planned study visit of members of members of the Security and Defense Committee to the Parliament of Croatia.

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