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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 01. August 2016. 18:38

President of the Parliament visits Golubovci

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Darko Pajović today has met with President of the Municipality within the Capital City Golubovci Mr Dušan Radonjić and presidentof the Local Assembly of the Urban Municipality of Golubovci Mr Milenko Maraš.

The amendment to the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Protection and Rescue, submitted by MP Ms Snežana Jonica, considered

Tenth and Twelfth Sitting of the First Ordinary (Spring) Session of the Parliament of Montenegro in 2016 ended.

On the occasion of Municipality Day of Plav, the President of the Montenegrin Parliament sent a congratulatory message to the President of the Municipality of Plav.


The Agreement is aimed at strengthening trust between the Parliament and non-governmental organisations

The Committee considered two items of the agenda

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