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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 04. November 2013. 13:09

37th meeting of the Legislative Committee held

The Committee considered several proposals for laws 

Monday, 04. November 2013. 13:28

Ceremonious Sitting

On the occasion of celebrating the Day of Parliamentarianism in Montenegro, as well as 200 years since the birth of Petar II Petrović Njegoš, the President of the Parliament of Montenegro will hold a speech in the Royal Theatre Zetski dom in Cetinje, on 13 November 2013, starting at 12:00. 

The Committee gave a positive opinion on four proposals for a law

Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Suljo Mustafić recieved the Coordinator of the Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency – TIKA Mr Mustafa Yazici and Head of the Office Mr Merdan Krlić, in his cabinet today.

The President met with the President of Austria Mr Heinz Fischer and the OSCE Secretary General Mr Lamberto Zannier

Chairperson of the Gender Equality Committee Ms Nada Drobnjak and member of the Committee Ms Branka Bošnjak, Docent, PhD gave lectures on gender equality aspects to freshmen and high school senior students in the American Corner, yesterday. 

Day of Parliamentarism in Montenegro is celebrated on 31st October, on the day of constitution of the first National Assembly in Montenegro in 1906, in Cetinje. 

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