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At the meeting held today, Committee for International Relations and Emigrants adopted Conclusions and Recommendation regarding permanent resolution of borders with the Republic of Croatia by a majority of votes of MPs present, thus ending the sixth meeting.

Tuesday, 05. March 2013. 10:43

Meeting Mr. Vuković – Mr. Mirzazada

Improvement of the parliamentary cooperation necessary.

The Committee on International Relations and Emigrants, at the seventh meeting held on 29th March, 2013, adopted Conclusions from the initial meeting of chairmen of committees on foreign policy of the parliaments of South-Eastern Europe, held in Zagreb, in October, 2012.

On their second day of study visit, the members of the Committee on Security and Defence have visited the following institutions: the Ministry of Defence, Security and Intelligence Agency and the National Protection and Rescue Directorate of Republic of Croatia.

Poslanicima će se, između ostalih, obratiti gruzijski predśednik Mihail Sakašvili, evropski komesar za proširenje i politiku susjedstva Štefan File, kao i ministar pravde Italije Paola Severino.

Members of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget will attend the parliamentary seminar which will be held on 21st February, 2013 in Brussels, organized by European Parliament.

At the meeting held today, the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms considered the Plan of Activities of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms for 2013 made on the basis of: the European Commission Progress Report on Montenegro for 2012; the Program of the work of the Government of Montenegro for 2013, adopted on 31st January, 2013 as well as a number of implemented activities from the Plan of Activities of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms for 2012.

Members of the Committee on International Relations and Immigrants will meet on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013, with the lady President of the National Council of Austria, Ms. Barbara Prammer.

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