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Wednesday, 30. January 2013. 12:14

Meeting Krivokapić - Tsunozaki

The President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić, will meet tomorrow H.E. Mr. Toshio Tsunozaki, the Ambassador of Japan.

Thursday, 31. January 2013. 12:11

Meeting Krivokapić - Tsunozaki

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić, received today the farewell visit from H.E. Mr. Toshio Tsunozaki, the Ambassador of Japan.

The President of the Parliament Mr. Ranko Krivokapić, on the occasion of 23rd January – the Day of Journalists of Montenegro, extended following message:


Mr. Krivokapć and Mr. Ahrenes talked today on conclusions and recommendations from the OSCE/ODIHR Report, on the occasion of the parliamentary elections, which, in accordance with the Report were conducted in fair and democratic atmosphere.

On the occasion of accusations of the President of Montenegro Mr. Filip Vujanović in the interview for ND “Vijesti“, the President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr. Ranko Krivokapić replied.

The President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić, on the occasion of the Day of City Municipality of Golubovci – 8th February, to the president of the local municipality assembly, Mr. Dušan Radonjić, as well as to the Councillors and residents of that part of Podgorica, extended the following congratulatory message:

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić, will pay an official visit to the Republic of Croatia, at the invitation of the Speaker of the Croatian Parliament, Mr. Josip Leka, today.

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