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In memory of the Ostroška Assembly, held on 8 February 1942, and representing one of the fundamental date of creating and building of parliamentary in Montenegro, the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić, addressed to Montenegrin public:

Sunday, 03. February 2013. 12:03

Meeting Krivokapić – Radojičić

The President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić, met today in Kotor with Mr. Igor Radojičić, the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska, who is visiting Montenegro.

Permanent representatives of Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia and Luxembourg to the North Atlantic Council praised the previous progress achieved by Montenegro on its path towards the NATO, and emphasized the effort that Montenegro made regarding the reform of the defense sector.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić, extended a congratulatory message to our skier, Mr. Lazar Živković, on the occasion of winning the gold medal at the Super-G Special Olympics World Winter Games in South Korea, in Pyeong Chang:

Monday, 04. February 2013. 12:00

Official visit to Zagreb

The President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić, pays an official visit to the Republic of Croatia, at the invitation of the Speaker of the Croatian Parliament, Mr. Josip Leka.

Wednesday, 20. February 2013. 12:00

Meeting Mr. Krivokapić - Fule

The President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić, visited Brussels where he met European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy, Mr. Štefan Fule, and addressed the International Relations Committee of the European Parliament – AFET, upon invitation of the Chairman of the Committee Mr. Elman Brook.

Tuesday, 05. February 2013. 11:59

Meeting Krivokapic - Ahrens

President of the Parliament, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić, to meet tomorrow with Mr. Geert-Hinrich Ahrens, the Head of the OSCE/ODIHR Limited Election Observation Mission

The President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić, leads the Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro, with MP Mr.  Milutin Simović as the member, on XII Winter Meetings of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, in Vienna.

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